Sending Mail through SMTP and SMTP Configuration in web.config in ASP.NET
Sending mail through SMTP in C#
In order to send mail from your SMTP server you must need a 3 classes in .net which are available in
using System.Net.Mail; name space i.e
MailMessage calss
NetworkCredentilas class
SMTPClient class
1st Step:
Configure SMTP details in Web.config
<smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from="" >
<network host="serverIP/serverName" userName="" password="******" enableSsl="false" port="25" />
2nd step
write a genaric method to send the mail in C#
public static bool SendEmail(string toEmailId,string subject,string body)
bool isSend = false;
string fromEmailId ="";
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(fromEmailId, toEmailId, subject, body);
SmtpClient smtpclient = new SmtpClient();
mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
isSend = true;
return isSend;
catch (Exception)
return isSend;
3rd Step:
Call The Method
Where ever you need send a mail just call this method
bool IsSend=SendMail("","your subject","your body message");
you can get the true or false value ismail sent or nor into your IsSend variable
Good luck......Happy Programming..
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In order to send mail from your SMTP server you must need a 3 classes in .net which are available in
using System.Net.Mail; name space i.e
MailMessage calss
NetworkCredentilas class
SMTPClient class
1st Step:
Configure SMTP details in Web.config
<smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from="" >
<network host="serverIP/serverName" userName="" password="******" enableSsl="false" port="25" />
2nd step
write a genaric method to send the mail in C#
public static bool SendEmail(string toEmailId,string subject,string body)
bool isSend = false;
string fromEmailId ="";
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(fromEmailId, toEmailId, subject, body);
SmtpClient smtpclient = new SmtpClient();
mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
isSend = true;
return isSend;
catch (Exception)
return isSend;
3rd Step:
Call The Method
Where ever you need send a mail just call this method
bool IsSend=SendMail("","your subject","your body message");
you can get the true or false value ismail sent or nor into your IsSend variable
Good luck......Happy Programming..
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