Creating context menu with Windows Phone7
Creating context menu with Windows Phone7
In this post am going to explain about creating a context menu in windows phone
in order to implement context menu i have taken one button here when i have long press on the button i want to show the context menu
in the context menu item i want to add the option pin to start screen
Here you can find the code bellow:
<button background="{StaticResource BrushGold}" click="btnAppStatus_Click" height="120" horizontalcontentalignment="Stretch" margin="0,0,0,32" padding="0" verticalcontentalignment="Stretch" x:name="btnAppStatus">
<grid .background="">
<lineargradientbrush endpoint="0.5,1" startpoint="0.5,0">
<gradientstop color="#FFFF9E27" offset="0">
<gradientstop color="#FFF58904" offset="1">
<grid .columndefinitions="">
<columndefinition width="Auto">
<textblock fontsize="32" horizontalalignment="Left" margin="12,0,0,0" text="Where's my app?" textwrapping="Wrap" verticalalignment="Top" width="200">
<img grid.column="1" horizontalalignment="Right" margin="0" opacity="0.7" source="Images/appSearch.png" />
<toolkit:contextmenuservice .contextmenu="">
<toolkit:contextmenu x:name="MyContextContext">
<toolkit:menuitem click="MenuItem_Click" header="Pin To StartScreen"></toolkit:menuitem>
i hope this will helps you.....
In this post am going to explain about creating a context menu in windows phone
in order to implement context menu i have taken one button here when i have long press on the button i want to show the context menu
in the context menu item i want to add the option pin to start screen
Here you can find the code bellow:
<button background="{StaticResource BrushGold}" click="btnAppStatus_Click" height="120" horizontalcontentalignment="Stretch" margin="0,0,0,32" padding="0" verticalcontentalignment="Stretch" x:name="btnAppStatus">
<grid .background="">
<lineargradientbrush endpoint="0.5,1" startpoint="0.5,0">
<gradientstop color="#FFFF9E27" offset="0">
<gradientstop color="#FFF58904" offset="1">
<grid .columndefinitions="">
<columndefinition width="Auto">
<textblock fontsize="32" horizontalalignment="Left" margin="12,0,0,0" text="Where's my app?" textwrapping="Wrap" verticalalignment="Top" width="200">
<img grid.column="1" horizontalalignment="Right" margin="0" opacity="0.7" source="Images/appSearch.png" />
<toolkit:contextmenuservice .contextmenu="">
<toolkit:contextmenu x:name="MyContextContext">
<toolkit:menuitem click="MenuItem_Click" header="Pin To StartScreen"></toolkit:menuitem>
i hope this will helps you.....
Windows Hosting